SAF€RA is a partnership between 16 research funding organizations from 12 European countries who collaborate on research programming and launch joint calls in the field of industrial safety. It prolongs the work developed in the SAF€RA ERA-NET, which was funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration during the period April 2012 – March 2015. Industrial safety is an enabling success factor in the pursuit of beneficial and sustainable business activities.
Inail, the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work, is a public non-profit entity safeguarding workers against physical injuries and occupational diseases.
Inail’s objectives are reducing injuries, protecting workers performing hazardous jobs and facilitating the return to work of people injured at workplace.
The worker protection, even as a result of recent legislative changes, has increasingly taken on the characteristics of an integrated system of protection, ranging from preventive actions at the workplace to medical services and financial assistance; to rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of workplace accidents or professional diseases to social life and work.
The insurance, compulsory for all employers hiring subordinate and parasubordinate workers in the activities that the law defines as risky, protects workers against damages due to work related accidents and occupational diseases. The insurance releases the employer from liability resulting from the damage caused by his employees.In order to help reduce workplace accidents, Inail also realizes some important initiatives aimed at continuous monitoring employment and injuries trends, training and advice to small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of prevention, funding companies that invest in security.
The Occupational Safety Research Institute (hereinafter OSRI) is, according to Act No. 341/2005 Coll., On Public Research Institutions, a public research institution established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic.
The purpose of the OSRI, is to carry out research in the field of occupational safety and health and the fulfillment of tasks arising from the ILO Conventions, applicable OHS legislation, the requirements of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Eurostat, and from the needs of the founder and labor inspection.The main activity of OSRI is the research, verification and application of methods and means in the area of prevention of risks to health and lives of persons, environment and material goods resulting from work activities and improvement of working comfort and quality of working life. It also deals with operational research, ie monitoring the status and development of occupational health and safety, maintaining data and statistics in the field of occupational safety and health. It serves as an analytical and conceptual workplace in the field of occupational health and safety.
The Ministry of Education performs state administration tasks related to research, planning and development of preschool, primary, secondary and higher education and pupil and student standards, as well as supplementary education of children of domestic citizens abroad.
The Ministry also participates in the construction, equipping and maintenance of preschool, primary, secondary and higher education facilities and student standards of interest to the Republic of Serbia.
The Ministry of Education will create conditions for access and implementation of projects within the Ministry's scope of work that are financed from the funds of the European Union's pre-accession funds, donations and other forms of development assistance, as well as other tasks determined by law.